Service Areas
Industries • Applications • Components • Materials
Elastomers and thermoplastic elastomers have become indispensable in technical applications due to their outstanding properties and versatility. Almost unlimited areas of application for these plastics range from automotive interior components to seals and dampers to hoses or medical technology products.
The service areas of the Richter Elastomer Institute are as flexible as the application fields of polymers.
Regardless of the industry, the application, the type of component or material, we can help you with your projects.
With our complete range of services, we support you in the application or qualification of polymer products and share our knowledge with you and your team at numerous seminars.
Polymers and Application Technology
Polymer materials in application – that is our core competence. We not only offer you the necessary and comprehensive materials knowledge, but also build the bridge to the application. How does an elastomer behave under certain operating conditions? Which material is best for the application? What service life can be expected or why has a component failed? Numerous material tests, damage analyses and application cases help us every day to increase our knowledge and to apply it to your requirements. Moreover, we have been doing this for 25 years.
Our Focus - From Elastic to Thermoplastic
In terms of materials, we specialise in elastomers and thermoplastic elastomers. In addition, our experience also extends to several thermoplastics such as polyamide or PTFE.
Accredited for your safety
We have been continuously accredited since 2002. This gives you the assurance that we provide the highest level of professional testing competence for your industry or application and that our test results are objectively reliable to third parties.