Application • Material • Processing • Testing • Failure Analysis
After 25 years of experience in elastomer technology, countless cases of damage investigated, material analyses, projects and applications, we can draw on a wealth of experience for you. We combine our knowledge from the different areas of application technology, testing technology,
processing technology, materials technology and failure analyses and transfer the findings to your projects. This enables us to work out feasible solutions for your problems at a very short time.
From the Development to the Application
Individual and competent advice in our daily customer contacts is one of the most important pillars of our philosophy as a service provider. Ever since the foundation of the laboratory in 1996, the customer has been at the centre of our activities, both professionally and personally.
You can rely on our expertise from the very beginning of the product life cycle. We advise you on everything from material selection and component design to production and quality assurance, right through to the application of elastomer parts. We accompany you during your technical audits in elastomer productions and support you with our knowledge.
Polymers and Application Technology
Polymers in application – this is our core competence you benefit from. We not only offer you the necessary and comprehensive materials knowledge, but also build the bridge to your application.
Your questions are what concern us every day. Numerous material tests, damage analyses and application cases help us to expand our knowledge and apply it to your requirements and questions. Moreover, we have been doing this for 25 years.
From Elastic to Thermoplastic
In terms of materials, we specialise in elastomers and thermoplastic elastomers. In addition, our wealth of experience extends to individual thermoplastics such as Polyamide or PTFE. We are familiar with these material groups and provide advice on the application and appropriate tests for your application.
We only test what is actually necessary and appropriate. Therefore, we explain exactly why we suggest a test and what knowledge you will gain from the analysis results. After all, it is not about providing you with raw results but with solutions that you can implement in practise
Even with test results, we don’t leave you out in the cold, but interpret and explain the results and give you important recommendations – in order to provide you with the best basis for further decisions!
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
In addition to Bernhard and Timo Richter, eight experts from the fields of elastomer technology, chemistry, testing and application technology support you with your projects. We answer your questions about products, materials, test procedures or damage cases, explain test results and standards, provide important guidance for decisions, train you or accompany your technical audits. Find your direct contact or simply call us at +49 (0)7148 16602-0.